ムーミンのコミック Moomin: The Deluxe Anniversary Edition by Tove Jansson (英語 完全版)
Drawn & Quarterly Pubns から刊行されていたトーベさんの執筆分にあたる「Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip(全5巻)」がトーベ・ヤンソン生誕100周年を記念して、豪華な装丁の1冊の本にまとめられた。
Drawn & Quarterly Pubns のオンラインショップにある紹介ページの16枚の画像を見ると、外箱付きのハードカバーで、表紙はムーミンの絵がエンボス加工されている。最初の14ページほどはカラーで、解説がびっしりと(もちろん英語で)6ページほど書いてある。コミックス部分はモノクロ。巻末にスケッチを収録。(以下は紹介ページよりテキスト部分の引用)
Tove Jansson’s Moomin stories made her one of the most beloved Scandinavian authors of the twentieth century. Jansson’s whimsical tales of Moominvalley resonate with children for their lighthearted spirit, and with adults for their incisive commentary on the banality of everyday life. The year 2014 marks the centenary of her birth, and Jansson is being honored with events in Japan, Scandinavia, England, Germany, Russia, Australia, Italy, Spain, and France. Drawn & Quarterly is joining the festivities by releasing Moomin Deluxe: Volume One, a slipcased hardcover collection of the complete Tove Jansson–penned Moomin comic strip, replete with all of her most popular storylines and original pencil sketches.
It has been more than sixty years since the Moomin comic strip debuted in the London Evening News. By the end of its run in 1975, Moomin was syndicated in more than forty newspapers around the world and hailed for its light-handed, charming stories. The comics were revived in 2005 by Drawn & Quarterly and published to widespread acclaim, sparking a new generation of devoted Moomin fans with international editions around the world. Moomin Deluxe: Volume One celebrates the classic comics the world adores, and will feature an essay about Tove’s work on the Moomin strip.
Moomin: The Deluxe Anniversary Edition by Tove Jansson
- 著者 :トーベ・ヤンソン
- 出版社:Drawn & Quarterly Pubns
- 発売日:2014年10月21日
- アマゾン価格:8,167円(税込)(2016年5月15日現在)
- 参考価格:69.95 CAD/USD
(Drawn & Quarterly Pubns オンラインショップ)